You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but probably is not suitable for your application.
See complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapfrom="Retrieve Report By Appplication" />
      <page pageid="7" ns="0" title="Retrieve Ads">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">== Communications ==

The communication will be done using the HTTP protocol.

== End Point ==

Service end point:


== Request == 

• The request is sent via an HTTP POST to the following URL:

• The content type of the request is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

• The body of the POST contains URL encoded key/value pairs separated by &quot;&amp;&quot;.

Post to:

w&amp;t=2&amp;aff_id=1740&amp;tt_sub_aff=15472&amp;r=320x50&amp;i=;u=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7&amp;tt_aff_impid=wyts98247asda&amp;tt_aff_clickid=123456asd

'''Request parameters'''

{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;

|'''Name In Request'''  

|User agent
|The browser user agent of the device making the request
|u= Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;U; Android 2.1-update1;iw-il; HTC LegendBuild/ERE27)

|Application id
|The id of the applications, as registered in Taptica's AdCore servers.

|Sub affiliate/publisher
|Represents lower level of the affiliate traffic source 

|IP Address
|Client IP Address

|set the refresh rate in milliseconds (minutemen value 10000)

|The localization (Language &amp; Country) that is currently chosen for the device ,following the standards of ISO 639-1,ISO 3166-1.

|Network type
|The type of network the device is currently connected to (&quot;wifi&quot; or &quot;carrier&quot;)

|Marital status
|Marital status of the user. options are: &quot;single&quot;, &quot;divorced&quot;, &quot;engaged&quot;, &quot;relationship&quot;, or &quot;swinger&quot;

|Annual income (in USD) , e.g. 10000.

|a comma separated list of keywords denoting user's area of interests.

|Education level of the user (&quot;UG&quot; or &quot;PG&quot;)

|Resolution of the ad request

|Ad Type
|Ad type - Banner (2), Interstitial (3), Video (5)

|Gender, Male, Female, All

|Age of the user

|Date Of Birth
|User's Date of birth(Format: yyyyMMdd)

|Location by latitudes lines

|Location by longitude lines

|Response Type
|JSON=0, XML=1, XHTML=2, types of response 

|A free parameter for the affiliate use (can be send back to affiliate with S2S postback)
|pd=Any Affiliate Data

|Affiliate impression id
|Used for impression id that the publisher may want to send and get back via S2S postback

|Affiliate click id
|Used for click id that the publisher may want to send and get back via S2S postback

'''Taptica Device Keys'''

{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;

|'''Name In Request'''  

|Use for send Taptica '''Plain'''  IMEI or when you don’t know what is the format of IMEI you have.

|Use for send Taptica IMEI in SHA1 format

|Use for send Taptica IMEI in MD5 format

|Android ID
|Use for send Taptica Plain  Android ID or when you don’t know what is the format of Android ID you have.

|Android ID SHA1
|Use for send Taptica Android ID  in SHA1 format

|Android ID MD5
|Use for send Taptica Android ID  in MD5 format

|Android Advertising ID 
|Use for send Taptica Android advertising plain ID

|Android Advertising ID SHA1
|Use for send Taptica Android advertising ID in SHA1 format 

|Android Advertising ID MD5
|Use for send Taptica Android advertising ID in MD5 format 

|Mac Address
|Use for send Taptica Plain  Mac Address or when you don’t know what is the format of the Mac Address you have. (upper case with colon)

|Mac Address SHA1
|Use for send Taptica Mac Address in SHA1 format (upper case with colon)

|Mac Address MD5
|Use for send Taptica Mac Address in MD5 format (upper case with colon)

|Use for send Taptica Plain  IDFA or when you don’t know what is the format of IDFA you have.

|Use for send Taptica IDFA in SHA1 format

|Use for send Taptica IDFA in MD5 format

|Use for send Taptica Plain  UDID or when you don’t know what is the format of UDID you have.

|Use for send Taptica UDID in SHA1 format

|Use for send Taptica IMEI in MD5 format


&lt;!-- Category Name, cat, Specified the offer category (spaces should be replace with %20), cat=Games,Travel%20and%20Local, No --&gt;

== Testing application IDs ==
For the integration process ONLY please use the below application IDs:

    appid iPhone = c82a818c-859b-4faa-bfee-4dde683b9ae5
    appid iPad = fbb159b3-a494-4a5d-bd80-ae9899157556
    appid Android = fced70bd-cf47-44f0-86ae-533443b8155b

&lt;!-- == Category List ==
The optional categories names are:
{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;




|Financial Services

|Health and Fitness

|Shopping and Retail



|Travel and Local



|Books and Reference





|News and weather


== Response ==

The data is returned in a JSON format.

• The JSON returned by Taptica AdCore servers is a single object, composed of simple fields of JSON Type String, described in the section below.

'''Banner response'''
  adyxAdRequestGuid: &quot;3b327792-f364-41b4-9f34-501f1acc3109&quot;
  adType: &quot;banner&quot;
  imageUrl: &quot;;
  imageAltText: null
  adUrl: &quot;
  impUrl: &quot;;el=GbtixRMFpAr%2boJEVHfprXTgVAQ3Ld8jjq6
  urlType: &quot;web&quot;
  beacon: null
  adInterval: &quot;10&quot;
  advAppId: &quot;542781249&quot;
  storeUrl: null
  payout: &quot;1.05000&quot;

'''Full screen response'''

  adyxAdRequestGuid: &quot;16e3738a-d8de-42eb-b2b2-717f05439d20&quot;
  adType: &quot;html&quot;
  adUrl: &quot;  tt_cid=16e3738ad8de42ebb2b2717f05439d20&amp;el=GbtixRMFpAr%2boJEVHfprXTgVAQ3Ld8jjq6x3iEWya
  impUrl: &quot;;el=GbtixRMFpAr%2boJEVHfprXTgVAQ3Ld8jjq6x3iEWyaxw0
  urlType: &quot;web&quot;
  htmlUrl: &quot;;
  adInterval: &quot;10&quot;
  htmlAdType: 2
  advAppId: &quot;553834731&quot;
  storeUrl: null
  payout: &quot;2.60000&quot;

'''Video response'''

  adyxAdRequestGuid: &quot;58188bd6-ed46-4f56-aac4-c16b485d4b6b&quot;
  adType: &quot;video&quot;
  imageUrl: &quot;;
  imageAltText: null
  videoUrl: &quot;;
  replayIcon: &quot;;
  downloadIcon: &quot;;
  continueIcon: &quot;;
  adUrl: &quot;;el=GbtixRMFpAr%2boJEVHfprXTgVAQ3
  impUrl: null
  contUrl: &quot;;aff_id=1740&amp;tt_cid=58188bd6ed464f56aac4c16b485d4b6b&amp;cont=1&quot;
  urlType: &quot;web&quot;
  beacon: null
  adInterval: &quot;10&quot;
  advAppId: &quot;531275818&quot;
  storeUrl: null
  payout: &quot;1.40000&quot;


The goal of the ImpURL is to report Taptica that impression take place.

* The impurl response is depend on your affiliate setting in Taptica

== Error Message ==

{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;


|The identifier of the error that occurred. If needed, extra text describing the error will be written into the errorText.

|Contains additional information regarding the retrieved error.
|&quot;The error had happened due to the following unexpected reason: unsupported client&quot;


== List of errors ==

{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;


| -1
|Unknown error. In this case, the errorText parameter will include the information that describes the error.

|Server overload

|Server could not find an appropriate ad (because of age restriction , for example)

|Application id is missing

|Application id wasn't found on database

|User agent is missing

|User agent is not supported

|Test mode value is not supported

|Resolution size and/or density are not supported

|Resolution size and/or density are in the wrong format

|Postal code is in wrong format

|Area code is in wrong format

|Location is in wrong format

|Birth date is in wrong format or is invalid

|Gender is in wrong format

|Unique Identifier is missing

|Unique Identifier value is in wrong format or is invalid

|Localization is missing

|Localization value is in wrong format or is invalid

|Net type value is in wrong format or is invalid

|Marital status value is not supported

|Income value is in wrong format or is invalid

      <page pageid="14" ns="0" title="Retrieve Raw Data Report">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">This method is used to send request to Taptica's AdCore servers for retrieving ads reports.
The method will pass to Taptica's AdCore servers unique IDs identifying the applications and a set of metadata describing the request.

* All data can be retrieved only day by day
* Maximum number of applications per request - 100

== End Point ==

Service end point:

[ Version 4 ]



== Method Signatures == 

 List&lt;AdCoreReportRawData&gt; RetrieveReportRawData(
    Authentication auth,
    string[] applicationIds,
    DateTime start,
    DateTime end,
    Filter filter)

'''Return Value'''&lt;br/&gt;
Type:  AdCoreReportRawData &lt;br/&gt;
Return value has the following properties:

{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot;

|Unique row Id

|Unique application Id.

|Event type, Ex: Request, Impression, Click, Conversion 

|Ad network name 

|Unique session Id
|User/Handset reported Client IP 

|Country name, Ex: &quot;UK&quot; 

|Handset platform name, Ex: Android 

|Cost in USD, By Event Type, Ex: 0.015

|Date and Time


'''Parameters Description'''&lt;br/&gt;

{| border=&quot;1&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;

|Type: Authentication

 Hold the authentication tokens for AdCore.
 This object has these properties:
 A string having the username for used to identify on AdCore.
 Password for above username.

|Type: string[], in UUID format with ID of application as provisioned by AdCore.

|Type: DateTime , start date to begin the report.

|Type: DateTime , end date to end the report.

|Type: Filter.
 Platform, String -  Handset platform name, Ex: &quot;Android&quot;;
 EventType, String - Event type, &quot;Request&quot;, &quot;Impression&quot;, &quot;Click&quot;, &quot;Conversion&quot;
 AdNetworkName, String - Network name, Ex: &quot;inmobi&quot;;
 Country, String - Country name, Ex: &quot;UK&quot;;
