Retrieve Ads

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|A URL from which the graphical ad image should be retrieved
|A URL from which the graphical ad image should be retrieved

Revision as of 13:27, 17 January 2013



The communication will be done using the HTTP protocol.

End Point

Service end point:



• The request is sent via an HTTP POST to the following URL:

• The content type of the request is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

• The body of the POST contains URL encoded key/value pairs separated by "&".

Example: Post to:

Body: v=w&t=2&a=8a7e5381-f568-4331-a30d-3b01c8f98dec&uid=84cb5500-d2a5-c788-740d-91bcc70f9342&r=320x48&i= (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7

Request parameters

Parameter Name In Request Description Example Required?
User agent u The browser user agent of the device making the request u= Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;U; Android 2.1-update1;iw-il; HTC LegendBuild/ERE27) No
Application id a The id of the applications, as registered in Taptica's AdCore servers. a=C20DC50B-65B9-4B11-8F62-79F9286896B7 Yes
Device id uid The id of the device uid=9774d56d682e549 Yes
IP Address i Client IP Address i= Yes
Localization loc The localization (Language & Country) that is currently chosen for the device ,following the standards of ISO 639-1,ISO 3166-1. loc=en_GB No
Network type nt The type of network the device is currently connected to ("wifi" or "carrier") nt=carrier No,
Marital status marital Marital status of the user. options are: "single", "divorced", "engaged", "relationship", or "swinger" marital=single No
Income income Annual income (in USD) , e.g. 10000. income=10000 No
Interests interests a comma separated list of keywords denoting user's area of interests. interests=cars,sports,F1,stocks No
Education edu Education level of the user ("UG" or "PG") edu=UG No
Resolution r Resolution of the ad request r=320x50 No
Ad Type t Ad type - Text (1), Banner (2), Html (3), All (0) t=2 No
Gender gender Gender, Male, Female, All gender=male No
Age age Age of the user age=27 No
Date Of Birth dob User's Date of birth(Format: yyyyMMdd) dob=19820211 No
Latitude lat Location by latitudes lines lat=40.714353 No
Longitude lon Location by longitude lines lon=-74.005973 No
Response Type rt JSON=0, XML=1, XHTML=2, types of response rt=0 No


The data is returned in a JSON format.

• The JSON returned by Taptica AdCore servers is a single object, composed of simple fields of JSON Type String, described in the section below.


* Note: Not in use for API (urlType, beacon, adInterval)

• The response type can be either: Textual ad, Graphical Ad or an Error Message.

The JSON of each response type is described below.

Textual Ads

Parameter Description Example
adyxAdRequestGuid Unique identifier of an ad request "{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
adType The type of an ad. Must have the value "text" "text"
adText The text to be displayed on the ad "Click here! The best offer you can ever get"
adUrl A URL to which the user should be redirected upon clicking on the ad ""

Graphical Ads

Parameter Description Example
adyxAdRequestGuid Unique identifier of an ad request "{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
adType The type of an ad. Must have the value "banner" "banner"
imageURL A URL from which the graphical ad image should be retrieved ""
impURL A URL from which the impression should be sent to the server ""
adUrl A URL to which the user should be redirected upon clicking on the ad ""

Html Ads

Parameter Description Example
AdRequestGuid Unique identifier of an ad request "{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
adType The type of an ad. Must have the value "html" "html"
adUrl A URL to which the user should be redirected to (usually Html Page) ""

Error Message

Parameter Description Example
errorId The identifier of the error that occurred. If needed, extra text describing the error will be written into the errorText. "5"
errorText Contains additional information regarding the retrieved error. "The error had happened due to the following unexpected reason: unsupported client"

List of errors

errorID Description
-1 Unknown error. In this case, the errorText parameter will include the information that describes the error.
0 Server overload
1 Server could not find an appropriate ad (because of age restriction , for example)
2 Application id is missing
3 Application id wasn't found on database
4 User agent is missing
5 User agent is not supported
6 Test mode value is not supported
7 Resolution size and/or density are not supported
8 Resolution size and/or density are in the wrong format
9 Postal code is in wrong format
10 Area code is in wrong format
11 Location is in wrong format
12 Birth date is in wrong format or is invalid
13 Gender is in wrong format
14 Unique Identifier is missing
15 Unique Identifier value is in wrong format or is invalid
16 Localization is missing
17 Localization value is in wrong format or is invalid
18 Net type value is in wrong format or is invalid
19 Marital status value is not supported
20 Income value is in wrong format or is invalid
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